1. http://hanksters.wordpress.com/
2. http://www.milblogging.com/
3. http://popsci.typepad.com/
4. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/
5. http://collegefootballresource.com/
6. http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/
7. http://failblog.cheezburger.com/ugliesttattoos
8. http://www.lamebook.com/page/2/
9. http://www.sorryimissedyourparty.com/
10. http://myhusbandisannoying.com/
Out of all these there is one that stands out. Lamebook.com is a great blog, it's not complicated, easy to get lost, or over the top word. It's simply funny in every meaning of the word. Lamebook.com embraces the idiocy of some of the users found on Facebook and publicizes it for all to see.
1. Lamebook is incredibly addictive. I found myself hooked immediately after reading just a few posts. I was engulfed by the humor this blog brings to my everyday life. Its strength is that i has plenty of posts and that they're all funny.
2. Something that I really got from Lamebook was that i could use more pictures in my blog. The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" really does come into play when talking about a blog sight, people like to be able to picture what your talking about.
3.The weakness of Lamebook is also it's greatest strength. Lamebook is all about stupid posts people have put on Facebook but, at the same time it's just about stupid posts people have put on Facebook so it can get repetitive and redundant at times. I was try and add some depth to the blog. Like adding some stories of things that have happened on Facebook book instead of just quick one liners.
For a good laugh Click Here!
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