Thursday, September 19, 2013

Head Case

Why is it right when you check something off the to-do list something else pops up and requires your attention? The other day Ryan and I had just finished the lawn and decided to go for a swim at his uncles house, but as soon as we got in the car and turned it on the maintenance noticed popped up relaying the wonderful news that it was time to change the oil. So since this was the only day Ryan had to get some work done we (and by "we" I mean him) decided to spend another two glorious hours in the brisk 100 degree heat.

So Ryan gathers the necessary tools, gets the new oil, and jacks up his little hatch back car. Ryan then squeezes himself under the car and begins the routine maintenance. About half way through the automotive operation I see Ryan's dad come out from the houses and ask if Ryan needs any help, Ryan does not respond due to the fact that he has his headphones in and is blaring Led Zeppelin as loud as possible. Being the loving father that he is he finds this to be an opportune moment to scare the living crap out of his son. So while Ryan is working on his car I sat there idly by waiting for Ryan to scream about three octaves higher than any man should be able to produce. Ryan's dad slowly creeps around the side of the car, bends down and grabs Ryan's leg. Ryan, like I predicted, is scared crapless and scream like a three year old girl; what I didn't predict was that Ryan would jump and slam his head on the frame of the car knocking himself out for a solid ten minutes.

Wiping the tears from his eyes and holding his gut Ryan's dad walked back inside still laughing, not knowing that his son had just rendered himself unconscious. While Ryan took his little nap I had a rare moment to reflect on the life lessons that could be taken away from this jewel of an experience.

So with a tip of the hat I leave you with this, don't work on a car with headphones in, or if you do wear a helmet too.


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